May 29, 2009

" Do you have a sense of beauty in your life...

... or is it mediocre, meaningless, an everlasting struggle from morning until night?

What is beauty?
It isn't a sensual question, nor a sexual question.

It is a very serious question because without beauty in your heart, you cannot flower in goodness.

Have you ever looked at a mountain or the blue sea without chattering, without making noise, really paying attention to the blue sea, the beauty of the water, the beauty of light on a sheet of water?

When you see the extraordinary beauty of the earth, its rivers, lakes, mountains, what actually takes place?

What takes place when you look at something which is actually marvelously beautiful: a statue, a poem, a lily in the pond, or a well-kept lawn?

At that moment, the very majesty of a mountain makes you forget yourself.

Have you ever been in that position? "

~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

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